
"Our daughter has been in the toddler room at Centretown for nearly a year and we are so happy with the care she receives there. There are so many things I could rave about, from the healthy food to the easy access to outdoor space, but I think the thing that has really impressed me is the staff. They are so dedicated and patient with the kids, and seem to put in a lot of work coming up with fun activity ideas every day. I really trust and respect them, and often go to the staff with questions about toddler parenting at home. Our daughter has thrived there, becoming more independent by the day, and I attribute so much of that to the wonderful staff!" - Mallory

"You make the world a better place. Thank you for providing such a caring and educational environment for our daughter, guiding her as she explores the world and makes new friends. We know the time she spends with you enriches her development." - Christine 

"We are so thankful we found a daycare where there are so many kind, loving, and genuinely good humans investing in these important young years of our son's life." - Paul