About Our Program
Centretown Parents’ Daycare creates a positive learning environment and daily experience in which each child’s learning and development will be supported. We offer a learning program that is consistent with the Ministry of Education’s policy statement on programming and pedagogy issued under subsection 55 (3) of the Childcare and Early Years Act. (CCYEA 2014)
How Learning Happens
Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years sets out goals for children and expectations for programs, organized around foundations that are central to children’s learning and growth. This is professional resource that has been developed to promote a shared understanding of what children need and what can be done to help them flourish and grow. The document describes effective practices and emphasizes how important positive relationships are to the success of early learning programs. The goals set out in this document provide a framework for thinking about and creating the type of environments and experiences that are meaningful for children. Centretown Parents’ Daycare recognizes the importance of play in all learning environments.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare views children as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential
We recognize that the early years can be strongly influenced to set a positive, healthy foundation for years to come. Centretown Parents’ Daycare sees children as capable and powerful communicators who are able to initiate and respond to communication exchanges. Our centre believes that children are entitled to opportunities that satisfy their social, emotional, cultural, physical, and intellectual needs and to develop these abilities in an environment that fosters co-operation, a sense of responsibility, creativity and order. We recognize the child as the focal point and attempt to meet the unique needs of the child within the context if the whole group.
Experiences are provided based upon the children’s interests and we promote a holistic approach where the condition for learning is one in which all areas - physical, social/emotional as well as cognitive development are key. In our programs, highlights of children are documented in our daily logbooks on our storyboards throughout our centres, and communicated directly with the parents at the end of the day.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare encourages children to interact and communicate in a positive way through self-regulation
Our educators at Centretown Parents’ Daycare support children in developing strategies to self-regulate while recognizing the effects of their actions on others. We encourage communication and self-expression. Our programs are focused on play based/inquiry learning which allows children to actively construct, challenge and expand their own understandings through connections to prior experiences. This gives children an opportunity to investigate, ask questions, solve problems, and engage in critical thinking. Through play and inquiry, our children practice ways of learning and interacting with the world around them that they will apply throughout their lives. Problem solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, imagination, citizenship are capacities vital for success throughout school and beyond.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare is committed to the development of healthy people
Our centre provides children with healthy eating choices in order to model lifelong skills to feed and nourish their bodies for optimal health and development. All menus are comprised of an assortment of healthy and diverse food items from each of the food groups in the Canada Food guide, with a focus on reduced sodium and sugar and an emphasis on whole grains and whole foods. We acknowledge dietary restrictions and choices and refrain from serving pork or nut products at our centre. Our menus are rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains which provide the body with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. We strive toward educating young children and their families on nutrition and healthy child development.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare’s commitment is extended to outdoor spaces on a daily basis
The outdoor learning environment provides extended opportunities for physical well-being; from gross motor development, nature exploration and independent or cooperative games. When weather is inclement and unpredictable alternative indoor gross motor activities for the children are provided.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare fosters ongoing communication with parents about the program and their children
In our programs, consistent play highlights of children are documented in our logbooks and on our storyboards. This demonstrates to each parent how their child is playing and learning through play. One of our primary goals is to effectively maintain continuous links with families and parents describing play experiences and how the child’s play is linked to learning.
At Centretown Parents’ Daycare we value the strengths, contributions, and unique perspectives that families can provide. Our centre sees families as primary caretakers. Including the child’s family in discussion and taking the time to make daily connections with them is critical to the success of an Early Years program. We encourage strong, respectful, and reciprocal relationships and provide opportunities for family involvement.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare supports positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents, child care providers and staff. The core values of Centretown Parents’ Daycare foster collaborative and cooperative relationships among all of our partners. We view the diversity of children and families as an asset, and plan programs to reflect differences and enrich our environment with these differences. We view our staff, parents and children as co-learners, constructing knowledge together. One of our main goals is to maintain continuous links with families and parents describing play experiences and how the child’s play is linked to learning.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare is committed to involving our local community partners and engaging those partners in supporting our families, and staff
Children at the James St. location often take excursion to local parks/markets in the area during the summer and fall. Neighborhood walks and field trips during our full-day and summer programs enrich our children, as do visits from special guests. As our Preschool, Kindergarten and School Age programs are located in Centennial Public School, relationships with the principal, faculty and teachers are critical. We work closely with Centennial PS in sharing playareas, resources, bulletin boards, etc. We view our larger community as a valuable resource and we seek out opportunity to share our knowledge and to learn from others within the community.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare is committed to the ongoing professional development of all educators
All educators are registered with the Ontario College of ECEs or have equivalent qualifications. Supplementary trainings are offered to educators on an ongoing basis in keeping with Centretown Daycare’s standards and the College of Early Childhood Educators. Our staff have up to date Police Vulnerable Sector Checks, Standard First Aid and CPR C training , mental health first aid, and attend professional development workshops. Input into the decision-making process, open communication and equality of all staff are a fundamental part of the cooperative structure.
Centretown Parents’ Daycares’, educators, volunteers and students adhere to our program statement, policies and procedures, Childcare and Early learning Act, fire and health regulations. All educators, volunteers and placement students will review the Program Statement prior to working with the children and annually thereafter or upon any changes or modifications to the statement. Annual review of the Program Statement and these policies and procedures ensure our educators and volunteers are knowledgeable and prepared to handle any situation.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare views our educators as reflective practitioners. We encourage self-reflection, discussion, and ongoing collaboration and learning among educators. When we see educators as knowledgeable, reflective, resourceful and rich in experience, and we value the experiences and environments they create for children.
Centretown Parents’ Daycare documents and reviews the impact of the strategies on the children and their families. Centretown Parents’ Daycare understands that pedagogical documentation is a way for our program staff to learn about how children think and learn. Our staff make regular/daily observations of children in the program and use this information to design their future planning. We use pedagogical documentation to study, interpret and visibly inform parents about children’s learning and development.